Zigbee - open source project

Actually, i came to know when i worked on the initial standard implementation, during the Aug 2004- Feb 2005 period, about this low power wpan network technology and its name.

While reading at that time i understood its still under evolving (sensor) technology, can have many applications around it. And also after the standard became public in the year 2005 mid, started thinking of to have open source stack, and tried several projects like linux-802-15-4,etc to participate into them. But that does't gone to a shape.

And also several other projects, like openbee.org etc started aggressively, but later i checked still they are like in the same state only.

Now i found one good project which is of open source (GPL2, and BSD) licensed. It is freakz stack. And complete information blog also on zigbee.
you can get all the information from this site.



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